The Melodies are Dancing Around Me

“The Melodies are Dancing Around Me”

I Walk down the Wide Road
Just alone by myself...

I Jump and Leap rhythmically
With Windy Wind “Chit Chat”

Feel so flying in purify air!
What is talking my body to move like Windy Songs...

I hear the singing Sweet Windy Faries
Like the melodies carry my feet!
To Float so Lovey-Dovey Air...

I like the way Ima Being Now!
Cuz O’ can feel my goddess beside me...

Say so Tweety Tweet Tickle Tickle to my ears
To see and look around beside the road...!

And see the Flora Greeny Yellow Carpet
Till the end of my eyes’ sight...

I Go down there and Touch in air
Flowers Flora smiling to me...

And I still hear my Fairies’ Whispering
So, I sing my song on my Pinky Lip...

Love the way to feel a Moment of Glance...
That... The Melodies are Flying Around Me...!



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